Writing letters to Santa is a special Christmas tradition at our house. My kids spend lots of time thinking about what they want to ask for. You’ll be able to write letters to Santa with these printables and if you’re lucky he just might write you back!
Writing Your Letter to Santa
Print off this letter to Santa to help get your thoughts down on paper. Once your kiddos have their letters finished, make sure to get them into the mail. It can take a while for letters to get all the way to the North Pole so make sure you get them in the mail with plenty of time to spare.
Blank Letter from Santa
If Santa needs to send a special letter back to your kiddo, use this official North Pole paperwork. You can print out the certificate and write with a marker to personalize it for your kiddos. Keep scrolling down if you need a letter that Santa’s already written.
Santa Writes Back
Make sure your kiddo gets a response back from the big guy with this letter from Santa. Your elves could bring it back to your kiddos for them. If they’re too busy, I’m sure it could find it’s way to your mailbox for the kids when they get the mail.
Nice List Certificate
Not every kiddo is lucky enough to make the nice list… Thankfully it looks like your kiddos have made the cut! Print out this nice list certificate for them so they know they’re on the right track.
What are your kids asking Santa for this year?
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