Keeping up with habits can be hard, especially when they’re new habits. These printable daily habit trackers will help you stay on track with your goals – new or old. You’ll be able to keep track of your steps, exercise, and water drinking. Make it fun and print one out for everyone in your family and have a competition to see who can complete their daily habit tracker first.
Looking for other ways to track your self care? Print these self care journal pages for moms.
Step Tracker
Getting your steps in every day is super important. It’s also not always easy. If you’re stuck at a desk all day, you’ve got to make an extra effort to get moving on your lunch hour or when you’re not at work.
Exercise Tracker
Exercise means different things to everyone. These exercise trackers will help you to keep track of whatever you do for exercise so you’ll know when you reach your goals. For me, it’s more about focusing on moving and not so much about weight. I can become a bit excessive when it comes to weight so I try to avoid weighing myself and focus more on what I’m doing to make sure my clothes still fit.
Printable calendar version of weight tracker / Printable weight tracker with shapes / Printable calendar version of weight tracker
Water Tracker
Drinking water is one of the most important things you can do. This cute daily habit tracker lets you cross off water bottles to help track how much you’re drinking each day. I’m a super picky eater so I don’t track my food but I’m including links to print food trackers if you wanted to do that.
Printable water tracker with shapes / Printable food tracker calendar version / Printable food tracker with shapes
Which daily habit trackers will you be printing out to use?
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