Having a direct sale business is a wonderful way to add income to your household. This income does eventually become a somewhat passive form of income as you build your business larger with people underneath you and customers start to return to buy more of whatever you’re selling in your direct sales business. Being able to have a direct sales home business can really feel like a financial weight has been lifted off your shoulders, but there are some advantages and disadvantages to opting to start your own direct sales home business.
Looking for other work from home options to earn extra income? Try these other work from home ideas.
Starting Costs
There is almost always a fee associated with starting a direct sales business. The fee varies from company to company but you will need to invest in startup costs for any you opt to start. This startup cost is usually lower than starting your own brand or business, but it is still an investment that many people shy away from or don’t quite have the funds to cover it at this time. Keep an eye on the brand and other consultants to see if there are any specials for new consultants to get the best bang for your buck.
No Face to Face
This is both a disadvantage and advantage of direct sales because some people may love that they don’t have to leave their house and can run their business from the comfort of their own home without ever having to see people face to face. People who need to have contact with human beings may not enjoy the fact that this grows best over the internet, as opposed to a brick and mortar store or the door to door sales approach. You can make videos to post on your social media channels and groups to add a more personal touch to your business. Consider also going live within your group or during events when you’re not face to face in person with your guests.
Financial Security
If you’re looking for something that has to make a specific amount of money right away, then this may be a negative for you. Many direct sales businesses take time to become something that provides you with the financial security that a job can bring. While this is possible, it’s really dependent on what you’re selling and how determined you are to put in the hours to build your business. Think about starting your business as a side hustle that you start before leaving your full time employment. If you’re wanting a full time income, remind yourself that you need to put in the full time hours and effort to get the same results.
Marketing Material Provided
The biggest advantage of having joining an already known company is that you won’t have to worry about coming up with your own marketing material. All of the marketing and promotional material is provided by the parent company for any direct sales business. While this is an advantage, you should know that there are marketing rules in place for what you can or cannot promote as part of this direct sales home business, which means you are under a specific set of guidelines with marketing your direct sales home business and that can be a disadvantage. You also want to make sure to put your own spin on everything the company provides so your customers aren’t seeing the same thing posted by multiple consultants. By making yourself stand out, people will remember you when they’re ready to purchase.
There are lots of advantages and disadvantages to having your own direct sales business. The key to making sure you’re choosing the right company is by picking an company that fits your lifestyle and the lifestyle of your family and friends. This will help your business grow and give you a steady income.
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